Eu tento achar uma explicação plausível para toda essa preguiça e apesar de no fim ser apenas preguiça mesmo, no fundo envolvem outros fatores. Dentre eles posso citar a desmotivação pessoal, a baixa auto estima e falta de inspiração.
Time has passed and I'm surprised to see how the interval between each post grows, hahaha.
I try to find a reasonable explanation to this lazyness, and even if in the end it's just lazyness, in depth there are other factors. I can cite personal desmotivation, low self steem and lack of inspiration.
Time has passed and I'm surprised to see how the interval between each post grows, hahaha.
I try to find a reasonable explanation to this lazyness, and even if in the end it's just lazyness, in depth there are other factors. I can cite personal desmotivation, low self steem and lack of inspiration.
Mas o fato de eu não postar não quer dizer que nesse meio tempo eu não tenha feito nada. Na realidade fiz um monte de coisas (bacanas ou não) e consequentemente ando exausta. É contraditório o que vou dizer, mas a real é que não consigo evitar de me manter ocupada. Estou à procura de algo que me dê uma luz nessa vida. Fazem mais de seis meses que faço psicoterapia e apesar de ser bom para descarregar o que carrego dentro de mim durante a semana ainda me encontro no limbo.
But the fact that I didn't post anything doesn't mean I didn't do anything in meanwhile. Actually I did a lot of things (cool or not) and consequently I'm exhausted. Contradictory what I'm about to say, but I just can't avoid being busy. I'm in a search of something that gives me a light in this life. It's been already 6 months since I started psychotherapy and although it's good to outlet what I carry inside of me through the week I still find myself in limbo.
But the fact that I didn't post anything doesn't mean I didn't do anything in meanwhile. Actually I did a lot of things (cool or not) and consequently I'm exhausted. Contradictory what I'm about to say, but I just can't avoid being busy. I'm in a search of something that gives me a light in this life. It's been already 6 months since I started psychotherapy and although it's good to outlet what I carry inside of me through the week I still find myself in limbo.
É extremamente difícil para alguém que sempre teve muita clareza do que queria para a vida encontrar-se numa fase da vida em que as coisas não fazem mais tanto sentido. Uma das coisas que ando fazendo na tentativa de me conectar com a natureza e recarregar as energias é trilhar. Como boa amante da natureza, nada melhor que se desligar da multidão e selva de pedra indo para montes, banhar-se em cachoeiras e se sujar à beça. Descobri que gosto de escalaminhar (escalar+caminhar) e de me misturar no verde das folhagens. E foi nessa trilha que pude confirmar ainda mais a ideia de que não conhecemos totalmente as pessoas, mesmo as mais próximas. Convidei minhas amigas para fazer essa trilha junto já esperando que todos iam recusar. Pode soar meio julgador, mas pelo que eu saiba elas não são do tipo que 'abraça árvore', hahaha. Enfim, fui surpreendida quando duas delas se interessaram muito e de fato fomos nós três trilhar!
It's extremely hard to someone that always had clarity of what to want of the life to find itself in a state where things doesn't make sense anymore. One of the things I'm doing to try to connect with the nature and recharge the energy is hiking. As a good nature lover, nothing better than shut off of the crowd and the city going to hills, to take a bath at the waterfall and get as much dirty as possible. I discovered that I like to climb and to blend in the middle of the green leafs. And it was in this trail that I could confirm even more the idea that we never know someone completely, even the closest ones. I invited my friends to go hiking with me already expecting them to reject it. It may sound judgmental, but as I know they aren't the type of 'embracing a tree', hahaha. Whatever, I was surprised when 2 of them were interested and in the end we hiked together!
It's extremely hard to someone that always had clarity of what to want of the life to find itself in a state where things doesn't make sense anymore. One of the things I'm doing to try to connect with the nature and recharge the energy is hiking. As a good nature lover, nothing better than shut off of the crowd and the city going to hills, to take a bath at the waterfall and get as much dirty as possible. I discovered that I like to climb and to blend in the middle of the green leafs. And it was in this trail that I could confirm even more the idea that we never know someone completely, even the closest ones. I invited my friends to go hiking with me already expecting them to reject it. It may sound judgmental, but as I know they aren't the type of 'embracing a tree', hahaha. Whatever, I was surprised when 2 of them were interested and in the end we hiked together!
Nesta trilha que estávamos por desbravar era de nível intermediário/difícil, então fiquei um pouco preocupada por conta de ser a primeira vez das minhas amigas. Fomos ao Parque Ecológico do Perequê, em Cubatão.
In this trail that we were to discover the level was intermediate/hard, so I was a little bit worried for it was the first time to my friends. We went to Perequê´s Ecological Park, in Cubatão.
In this trail that we were to discover the level was intermediate/hard, so I was a little bit worried for it was the first time to my friends. We went to Perequê´s Ecological Park, in Cubatão.
Logo no início tivemos que atravessar um rio com força de correnteza considerável, mas todos conseguiram atravessar sem problemas.
Right in the beginning we had to cross a river with quite a strong flow, but everybody handled to cross safely.
Right in the beginning we had to cross a river with quite a strong flow, but everybody handled to cross safely.
Meu joelho não é muuuito bom, então houve trechos da trilha que eu sentia meu joelho se sobrecarregar. Fora isso uma trilha muito gostosa de fazer. A Cachoeira Veu da Noiva (nome esse um tanto quanto comum) é muito bonita e possui uma queda de 80m! Pudemos sentir a força da água e lavar nossas almas só de olhar!
My knees aren't thaaat good, so in some parts of the trail I felt my knee overloaded. Aside that, it was a nice trail. The Veu da Noiva Waterfall (quite a usual name) is very beautiful and has 80m of fall! We felt the power of the water and we washed our souls by just looking at it!
My knees aren't thaaat good, so in some parts of the trail I felt my knee overloaded. Aside that, it was a nice trail. The Veu da Noiva Waterfall (quite a usual name) is very beautiful and has 80m of fall! We felt the power of the water and we washed our souls by just looking at it!
Como o Parque possui muitas cachoeiras e piscinas naturais é normal que a umidade deixe o solo lamacento, portanto para conseguirmos chegar no topo dessa Cachoeira foi necessário subirmos de corda. Gostei bastante da experiência e até escorreguei em um trecho da subida, haha.
As the Park has a lot of waterfalls and natural pools it's normal that the umidity makes the soil muddy, so in order to get to the top of the waterfall it was necessary to use a cord. I liked the experience and even slipped once, haha.
Ao final da trilha estávamos cansadas, mas imensamente satisfeitas! Trilhar não resolve meus problemas, mas durante o percurso é difícil não refletir e botar em ordem certos pensamentos. Quando chegamos em algum mirante ou vemos algo muito bonito é inevitável pensar que somos parte dessa natureza e que é nosso dever protegê-la.
At the end of the trail we were tired, but satisfied! Hiking do not solve my problems, but during the route it's hard not to reflect and to organize some thoughts. When we reach the top of a hill or see something beautiful it's inevitable to think that we are part of this nature and that it's our duty to protect it.
At the end of the trail we were tired, but satisfied! Hiking do not solve my problems, but during the route it's hard not to reflect and to organize some thoughts. When we reach the top of a hill or see something beautiful it's inevitable to think that we are part of this nature and that it's our duty to protect it.
Sujinha, porém feliz
Essa trilha foi realizada em 30.10.16.
We hiked on 30.10.16.
We hiked on 30.10.16.
Sem mais delongas, despeço-me aqui.
Without further ado, I say good bye.
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